Don`t Let The World Degrade You :)

muslimah, hijab, crown, princessNote To Myself And The Women Of The World:

Don`t let the world degrade you to an object to please strangers eyes. You are worthy of being the slave of Allah. Which is the highest status any woman can have. Don`t dress to impress men that would degrade you to a thing. Rather dress for your Lord. Your hijab protects you against being just an attraction for men. Your status as a human being, a woman, is so much more. As a mother; jannah lies at your feet, as a wife; you fulfil half of the deen of your Husband, as a Daughter; you are a rahma for the family and your parents and brothers ticket to heaven, depending on how they treat you and what kind of islamic upbringing they give you.

Your hijab doesn`t hide your opinion, rather it gives you freedom to express them by people focusing on what you say, rather than how you look like. How you dress yourself proclaims how you think about yourself, and how you want others to think about yourself. Respect yourself, and don`t let the world put standards for you. Raise your standards to what position Allah has given you, and you will in sha Allah reap the reward for the good you do in this world.

-Inspired by dai`s around the world.

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