Trendsetters Beware

Whoever starts a good practice in Islam that is followed after he is gone, there will be written for him a reward like that of those who do it, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest. Whoever starts a bad practice in Islam that is followed after he is gone, there will be… Continue reading Trendsetters Beware

Money Is Not Cause To Evil

Many people say that troubles come because of money or richness. That is not exactly correct. Although, with money, we will have a longer hisab on judgement day, and the spending will be questioned throrougly, but it's not all bad.  Spend In The Way Of Allah If it wasn't for the converting of rich people… Continue reading Money Is Not Cause To Evil

Will Allah Love Me?

People often want Allah to support them. People want Allah to love them. We can't compare the creation with the Creator. But still when we do, we will get a glimpse of how we can achieve Allah's love and support through it.  A Mother And Her Child Every mother is different. But every mother has… Continue reading Will Allah Love Me?

Those Whom Allah Loves

It is not difficult to understand that we help and protect those we love, more than others. Even though we are helpful to a stranger in need. It is humanly love, that it hurts us more if someone cause pain to people or creatures who are close to us.  Imagine how much it angers Allah,… Continue reading Those Whom Allah Loves

Protect Your Sadqa-Jariya 

Personally I have nothing against any non-muslim. But when it comes to sects (Qadiani) that claim they are muslim and make other who are interested in Islam a non-muslim by following their beliefs. I do not like that at all. I also am not fond of the idea that maybe they by their work are… Continue reading Protect Your Sadqa-Jariya 

Can You Relate ?

When inviting others to Islam, it is important that we don't scare others away. By telling the hard-core truth, at every start. The dai most talk such sentences he/she thinks will touch hearts. By slowly make people think and evaluate their life, where they are heading, and where they can be. Same people are motivated… Continue reading Can You Relate ?