How Dhikr Can Change Your Life

Hazoor Paak pbuh has said a muslim is a mirror to another muslim, when he /she sees anything wrong in it, he / she tells him / her. Often times when we are low in imaan, we dislike being advised from others. When anyone corrects us, we are greatly wounded. We forget that part of… Continue reading How Dhikr Can Change Your Life

The Worst Loneliness

I was so far away from Allah. I had people around me. Friends, family, job, life. But being far away from Allah, it felt like dead. Like something is dead inside of me. I was afraid of my own shadow. My own hand. No one helped me to find Allah. Not as much as I… Continue reading The Worst Loneliness

Protect Your Sadqa-Jariya 

Personally I have nothing against any non-muslim. But when it comes to sects (Qadiani) that claim they are muslim and make other who are interested in Islam a non-muslim by following their beliefs. I do not like that at all. I also am not fond of the idea that maybe they by their work are… Continue reading Protect Your Sadqa-Jariya 

When Seeking Advice

Often in life we come to a road that leads to two different places. We don`t know which one to choose. The decision is tough and we are not always familiar with all the pros and cons. That is when we seek advice from people whom has more wisdom and knowledge than us. Someone whom… Continue reading When Seeking Advice

People Would Walk Days To Meet Loved Ones

Cleanliness is important to most of us. Living in 2015, most of us have the basics to keep us clean. The understanding of cleanliness between a muslim and a non-muslim is different. Non-muslims looks for the cleanliness of the body, while we muslims also try to clean the heart and the soul. A non-muslim may… Continue reading People Would Walk Days To Meet Loved Ones

We Can`t Save Others Before We Save Ourself

The people we interact with influence us according to their values. Even if they aren`t our closest friends, their values can rub off on us. Some people say we become like the 5 people we spend the most time with. Be it at home, work, university etc. We can`t choose the people who are in… Continue reading We Can`t Save Others Before We Save Ourself