Et Godt Hjerte

Nestekjærlighet finnes i alle religioner. Være en flott borger, nabo, venn, kollega, medmenneske, familie. Å praktisere medmenneskelighet går på tvers av kultur, religion, kjønn, etniske bakgrunn. Når man viser godhet/omtanke om andre via medmenneskelighet så betyr det som oftest ikke at en er forelsket i det menneske. Det betyr kun at du ønsker at det… Continue reading Et Godt Hjerte

Innvandrere Og Barnevern

Hvis det ikke er lov med klaps på rompa, klyping i øret og det å ta et barn hardt i armen, hvilke sanksjoner kan foreldre iverksette for å oppdra bra barn? Vi ser jo at dagens barn ofte er ganske bortskjemte og uoppdragne.  Spørsmålet er om de sanksjoner barnevernet mener vi bør bruke, faktisk virker?… Continue reading Innvandrere Og Barnevern

A Helping Hand That Doesn`t Backfire

Most people with a caring nature and good values, would happily give a helping hand to anyone in difficulty, even if they wouldn`t personally know who the other person is. Sometimes without even thinking of it having any consequence for themselves in the future. Are You Careful Who You Help? As time has become more… Continue reading A Helping Hand That Doesn`t Backfire

Smart Parents Help Build Healthy Communities

Good and bad health is in the hands of our Creator. There is also something we have in our hands to change the situation. Many people know the right of the parents and talk and praise those who treat them well. Though we need to talk more about how parents should treat their children also.… Continue reading Smart Parents Help Build Healthy Communities

Real Beauty Is Seen Through The Soul

It is quite common these days, that people are attracted to others whom has a beautiful appearance. I guess a lot of young people get confused about what real beauty is. Generations get influenced by the media, the commercials, movies, tv-serials, where people with perfect body`s are picturing a scenario that is no-where close to… Continue reading Real Beauty Is Seen Through The Soul

Has Kindness Vanished From This World ?

Have we become more un-kind then the generations before us? We Asians know for a fact that the kind of manners that are taught in asian/english schools in Asia are lacking here in the West. Respect towards parents and teachers are not injected in the children. The society is different. That has an impact on… Continue reading Has Kindness Vanished From This World ?