Important reminders for people of thought

Yes its true anger is haram according to Islam. When one is calm one makes better decisions. But when is anger necessary? When someone is crossing your boundaries, you have to get angered and stop the abusor. These are conditions when if you die protecting your honor, you die as a Martyr. No-one is supposed… Continue reading Important reminders for people of thought

Why Islam?

Why do you think that Allah spoke about those family-members that we can never have nikkah with, in surah nisa? It was because that in the time of ignorance women had no rights. When her husband died, she was married to her son so they could keep the wealth of the father. She was given… Continue reading Why Islam?

I Get Scared. I Have Daughters / Sons

We know that many muslim families in the west, help their children start wearing hijab from primary school. Many non-muslim disagree about this practice. Even politicians have spoken against it, and want the authorities to ban hijab from school. Hijab is fardh, obligatory, from puberty, in Islam. The years before puberty it is optional for… Continue reading I Get Scared. I Have Daughters / Sons

Those Whom Allah Loves

It is not difficult to understand that we help and protect those we love, more than others. Even though we are helpful to a stranger in need. It is humanly love, that it hurts us more if someone cause pain to people or creatures who are close to us.  Imagine how much it angers Allah,… Continue reading Those Whom Allah Loves

Are We Practising Islam In Our Lives?

It is quite interesting what the muslims has become. Whole her 20 years our daughter hasn't prayed, worn hijab, or had the character of a good muslimah. But on her wedding (21 years old), we are holding a Quran over her head, as she leaves the wedding hall with 2000 people, when she is heading… Continue reading Are We Practising Islam In Our Lives?

Khadijah raa`s Merit

The first wife of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Khadijah raa supported him through difficult times in every possible way, including spending from her wealth. He pbuh is known to have acknowledged and praised Khadijah raa`s support repeatedly. Aisha raa reported that she was so irritated by Muhammad pbuh`s continuous praise of Khadijah raa, so she complained,… Continue reading Khadijah raa`s Merit