Yes, The Struggle Is Real 

Jihad is equal to struggle. To struggle in the way of Allah. Struggle to be good with your inner self. Struggle to do righteous deeds. Struggle to be good to family, friends and kin. Struggle to remember Allah. Struggle to obey Allah. Struggle to speak good. Struggle to protect ourselves from bad matters (lying, backbiting,… Continue reading Yes, The Struggle Is Real 

Muslims Afraid Of Muslims

Hazoor Paak ‎ﷺ manners are perfect. He has perfected how and what good manners are. We cherish him ‎ﷺ because of his ‎ﷺ way of interaction with each and every. His ‎ﷺ seerah is our guideline in how we can reach his ‎ﷺ awsome character, truthfulness, sincerity, genuine care, cheerfulness, problemsolver, comforter, supplications, obedience to… Continue reading Muslims Afraid Of Muslims

The many disguises of backbiting.

Backbiting, as defined by the Prophet (pbuh) is "to mention your brother with something he dislikes". So when one backbites his brother or sister in Islam, what he says might be true. On the other hand, to slander is to say something false about one`s brother or sister in Islam. Sheikhul-Islam, Ibn Taimiyyah radhi Allah… Continue reading The many disguises of backbiting.

I`ll sue her for slander!

I`ve thought about this several times. Slandering has become so common these days. Sometimes at a workplace, between acquaintances, home or some friends it can happen everywhere… If someone has a problem with anyone the first thing they`ll do is to talk behind their back with people they know. Probably try their best to give… Continue reading I`ll sue her for slander!