Har lærerne sviktet elevene?

Har lærerne sviktet elevene? Eller er det for lite lærertetthet pr klasse.Nylig i forbindelse med safer internet day gjorde buypass en undersøkelse som viser at av de spurte elevene mellom 15 og 18 år, så er det kun 1% som vil gå til lærer dersom de opplever en ulovlig handling på nett. Det er et… Continue reading Har lærerne sviktet elevene?

The Reason Behind A Response, Is More Important

If and we try to understand why some people behave or say something, instead of just looking at how they behave or what they say, we can easily "help" the situation by responding accordingly. Why Did You Yell, Dad?  For example, when your toddler runs to pick up his football from the road. Most parents… Continue reading The Reason Behind A Response, Is More Important

Time Is Precious.

We haven`t really understood the fact that time is precious and it is never coming back. What is spent can never be utilized again. I have understood that Twitter, FB, Mobile-devices and Ipad, has actually limited our freedom. If some people call us or sends us a message, and we don`t reply at once, we… Continue reading Time Is Precious.