Every Extreme Can Be Great 

  I'm an extremely sensitive and intense person. That's what makes me so creepingly extreme. Though I don't like all extremes. But some extremes are actually worth sharing. Like being extremely happy. But that won't last until we are extremely grateful and extremely content with our life. We can only achieve an extremely content life by… Continue reading Every Extreme Can Be Great 

The superb recipe for making the most delicious chai tea :)

You can only make this magnificent:) tea, in case you don`t have any kettle nearby to make the ordinary english tea. Also make sure you are on a break in case you're at work 😉 and really want delicious tea. Perhaps after you have eaten a big lunch with gobi ka sallan and bread:) Just… Continue reading The superb recipe for making the most delicious chai tea 🙂

Bye bye birdie.. Come back next year :)

Since summer started one starts to notice all the beautiful creatures of Allah joh ke saamne atein hain. Like all summer we`ve had a bunch of birdies flying around in our neighborhood. It was so fun to look at them, to see them flying, like taking the loop sometimes and waakehi apni ada dikhana:) Really… Continue reading Bye bye birdie.. Come back next year 🙂