Yes, The Struggle Is Real 

Jihad is equal to struggle. To struggle in the way of Allah. Struggle to be good with your inner self. Struggle to do righteous deeds. Struggle to be good to family, friends and kin. Struggle to remember Allah. Struggle to obey Allah. Struggle to speak good. Struggle to protect ourselves from bad matters (lying, backbiting,… Continue reading Yes, The Struggle Is Real 

Common Mistakes Of Hijabis / Generel Muslims

😍 beautifying your hijab. Attracts attention. 🤤 shaping eyebrows. Still attracting attention.  💋💅 using make-up to beautify yourself. Attracts attention. 😏😉 not lowering your gaze.  🕌 using perfume, when you go outside, easily attract attention.  👠using shoes that makes noise. Attracts  attention. 👚 using clothing that it is possible to see through. Clothed, yet naked. … Continue reading Common Mistakes Of Hijabis / Generel Muslims

The Worst Tactic, In Case You Want Less Enemies

It is very important that teachers whom master some kind of talent, should be sure, that those they teach it too, have right values and will not misuse it by going to the "dark side" and "selling/teaching" it to bad people who can further on, misuse it.  It's like teaching children martial arts. It is… Continue reading The Worst Tactic, In Case You Want Less Enemies

People Who Shy Away From Certain People

Have you ever received an invitation to a fiest and not been able to decide wether you should attend or not? Islamicly when we receive an invitation we are obliged to accept it, to maintain good ties of kinship with friends and family. It is seen as a sin to break ties with kin. I… Continue reading People Who Shy Away From Certain People

Skjønnheten Til Islam Er Profeten fvmh Seerah

Barn og hijab. Jeg forstår at dette er et temaet som opptar flere om dagen, pga forslag om hijab-forbudet til Hadija Tajik. Jeg er ikke enig i at hijab forbys. Verken for barn eller voksne. Likevel synes jeg det er et viktig tema og det må diskuteres. Hijab oppfattes av de fleste nordmenn at håret… Continue reading Skjønnheten Til Islam Er Profeten fvmh Seerah

Lies Can`t Change The Truth

Even if you keep on telling a lie a hundred times, it will still remain a lie. If the truth is left unsaid, it will still remain as the truth. People lie so much nowadays that it is seen as something normal, which you have to do in your everyday life, if you wish to… Continue reading Lies Can`t Change The Truth