Achievements Without Allah Is Failures

When we learn something from our teacher. He (she) lights a torch of knowledge (wisdom) in us. The love for remembering Allah increases. Now it's upto us, to take care of it, help it grow and to pass it on to others, and invite them to the mehfil. The love of Allah, is such, that… Continue reading Achievements Without Allah Is Failures

Survey To Find Exact Level

In Islam, family is important. We know for a fact, if we manage to make healthy homes, we will raise healthy people, who doesn't lack anything. They become healthy contributors to the community. A house with much fighting, where basic rules of Islam are not followed, and prohibitions not respected, lose the baraqah in their… Continue reading Survey To Find Exact Level

Don’t Let Anyone Walkover You

An attachment can be positive and it can be negative. Like a child is attached to his parents until he is independent. This is a natural attachment that we must go through. Like a nest. The baby birds learn to fly from their parents, and one day they leave their parents nest.  The tricky part… Continue reading Don’t Let Anyone Walkover You

Every Action Is Graded

In high school, college or universities. Most studies of a subject lasts a year, and is divided in two semesters. In every semester you have test after completed some curriculum. Sometimes you are graded in the test. Other times you have certain assignments. All the tests and assignments all together, decide your grade for that… Continue reading Every Action Is Graded