The Norm Is That Ab-Normal Has Become Normal

In some countries eating with your hands is seen as something good and normal. In other societies it is seen as abnormal to eat without cutlery. Societies and countries have made their written and un-written rules about what they see as normal. Something that is common in some societies is seen as backwards or illegal… Continue reading The Norm Is That Ab-Normal Has Become Normal

Sunnah Is, Helping Around In The House

Ramadan is a month to let our soul connect with Allah through ibaadah. It is important that all the family members get a chance to improve themselves, not only the men. Often the women in the house, daughter, sister, mother, wife does not get the chance to spend as much time for ibaadah because of… Continue reading Sunnah Is, Helping Around In The House

The perfect Islamic couple, some goals to reach :)

Husband and wife are not made to serve each other, they are made to complete each other. They want to spend their eternal life together in Jannah, so they try their out most to help each other do lot of good deeds. They have the best understanding of each other, they know what makes one… Continue reading The perfect Islamic couple, some goals to reach 🙂