Et Godt Hjerte

Nestekjærlighet finnes i alle religioner. Være en flott borger, nabo, venn, kollega, medmenneske, familie. Å praktisere medmenneskelighet går på tvers av kultur, religion, kjønn, etniske bakgrunn. Når man viser godhet/omtanke om andre via medmenneskelighet så betyr det som oftest ikke at en er forelsket i det menneske. Det betyr kun at du ønsker at det… Continue reading Et Godt Hjerte

A Helping Hand That Doesn`t Backfire

Most people with a caring nature and good values, would happily give a helping hand to anyone in difficulty, even if they wouldn`t personally know who the other person is. Sometimes without even thinking of it having any consequence for themselves in the future. Are You Careful Who You Help? As time has become more… Continue reading A Helping Hand That Doesn`t Backfire

Jews Casualties Versus Muslim Casualties

People are still giving their condolences to the killing of jews that happened in world war 2, where (some say) that 6 million jews were murdered. Although we don`t know the exact number or if the number is correct. The jews have been given a veto in almost every case that matters them, because of… Continue reading Jews Casualties Versus Muslim Casualties