Increase of male populations

Islam made Polygami the solution for women because of many battles, where the increase of widows who needed a care-taker. But look at the society today. In China and in India there are more men than women. The result is that it is tougher competition between the males to find a spouse and keep her.… Continue reading Increase of male populations

While attending a gathering where winning dowry was the price

Once I went to a gathering where they asked me to have a speech for them. Many women and daughters were gathered. They had a lottery. The prize was that they would pay an amount for 5 daughters dowry. When I held the speech, I said, that it is very heartbreaking to have such an… Continue reading While attending a gathering where winning dowry was the price

Receiving dowry and other desi-issues

Dowry is very common in India/Pakistan and is some of the reasons why people hate that they will get a baby-girl instead of a baby-boy. Because some day they will have to pay to get her married. Is someone buying her? NO, so why this tradition? We listen to the news that the family of… Continue reading Receiving dowry and other desi-issues