Are We Practising Islam In Our Lives?

It is quite interesting what the muslims has become. Whole her 20 years our daughter hasn't prayed, worn hijab, or had the character of a good muslimah. But on her wedding (21 years old), we are holding a Quran over her head, as she leaves the wedding hall with 2000 people, when she is heading… Continue reading Are We Practising Islam In Our Lives?

The Intensity Of Our Love, Is Shown From Our Following His pbuh Way

Often when some husband take good care of their wife, and fulfil their obligations towards her and their children, his friends and family might comment that he has become a robot, where his wife decides everything. I want to highlight a few thoughts about this and why people might say such things. We all are… Continue reading The Intensity Of Our Love, Is Shown From Our Following His pbuh Way

Khadijah raa`s Merit

The first wife of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Khadijah raa supported him through difficult times in every possible way, including spending from her wealth. He pbuh is known to have acknowledged and praised Khadijah raa`s support repeatedly. Aisha raa reported that she was so irritated by Muhammad pbuh`s continuous praise of Khadijah raa, so she complained,… Continue reading Khadijah raa`s Merit

Practice of Culture Is Not From Religion

You have probably read on FB the saying that the time before us people were told to look at muslims when they wanted to know what Islam was. Nowadays we say to people that they should rather look at the practice of the muslims for 1400 years ago, because today muslims have mixed Islam with… Continue reading Practice of Culture Is Not From Religion

Boys And Men Please Respect The Women In Your Life :)

Every boy is taught by his parents and especially the males in his life, how to treat women. If those role-models have poor character, than that would rub on of the boys/kids. This is mostly the parents fault as they are not teaching the right values to their children. It would not be far from… Continue reading Boys And Men Please Respect The Women In Your Life 🙂

The Greatest Blessing Given To Our Ummah :)

Our Prophet (pbuh) is the greatest blessing we have ever had. He is a mercy to all mankind. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had the most magnificent character any being can or will ever have till the end of time. When we read or hear story`s about his seerah (biography) I just fall down in humbleness for… Continue reading The Greatest Blessing Given To Our Ummah 🙂