How long is 26 million minutes?

The day of Judgement is the day our account of deeds will be weighed. Only Allah knows the outcome. That horrifying day will be like the time from asr to magribh. But that is only for the believers. In Norway, in the longest day of the year (the 23rd of june) that is 2,5 hours.… Continue reading How long is 26 million minutes?

Is A Child More Intelligent?

It is somewhat tragical funny that sometimes people laugh of adults who behave childish. A dai once said: if you ask 10 women with the same clothing to sit the same place, and ask a 2-year-old who his/her mother is, the child will find her. We know how much a child loves his mother. His/her… Continue reading Is A Child More Intelligent?

The Worst Loneliness

I was so far away from Allah. I had people around me. Friends, family, job, life. But being far away from Allah, it felt like dead. Like something is dead inside of me. I was afraid of my own shadow. My own hand. No one helped me to find Allah. Not as much as I… Continue reading The Worst Loneliness