Why Muslims supplicate?

In Islam we have a great emphasis on supplication to Allah. To connect with our God. In the supplications of Prophet Muhammad we can learn that he supplicated for every little matter as well as the bigg concerns. In islam there is a supplication for going to sleep and waking up. There is a supplication… Continue reading Why Muslims supplicate?

How to get rid of frightening thoughts

I often get amazed thinking of how frightened non-muslims are about the matters that their religion or culture has no explanation about.Islam speak about these matters. Although this is scary information, Islam helps us to have tawakkul (reliance) in our God. And strengthen our belief, that Allah, our God, is in control of every living… Continue reading How to get rid of frightening thoughts

De Som Møter Sorg Ved Død i Familien

Ofte av og til blir det diskutert hvorvidt det skal være lov å ha dødsstraff. Eller hvorfor noen land tillater dødsstraff. Mange er uenige i hvorvidt den som har gjort noen noe urett faktisk får en riktig straff ift alvorlighetsgraden av den kriminelle handlingen. Om vi bruker USA som et eksempel, er det noen av… Continue reading De Som Møter Sorg Ved Død i Familien

Slik En Jurist Forstår Norges Lover 

Straffeloven har ifølge lovdata.no 31 kapitler. Første Kapittel handler om straffelovens virkeområde. Andre Kapittel handler om legal-definisjoner av ord og uttrykk som blir brukt i denne loven. Når en skal tolke en paragraf, er det derfor ikke fritt frem hvordan den skal forstås. Lovens første og annet kapitler forklarer oss når loven skal og kan… Continue reading Slik En Jurist Forstår Norges Lover 

Terminology Of Experts

To build a building, vehicle, plane, we have the most advance technology today. To be able to build one has to have had difficult higher education. An ordinary man / woman is not able to understand the terminology of the builders of these buildings, vehicle, plane. Some matters are understandable, but details and full understanding… Continue reading Terminology Of Experts

Why Noone Is Born Gay

Allah has made the world and everything in it. Humans are the only creature who have been given intellect. In every species, there is a she and a he and from them both, comes a child. Only the she over every species can bear a child and there has to be a male and female… Continue reading Why Noone Is Born Gay