It adds flavor to a boring life

Since year 2005 in spring I was active in a community. It was friendly and good, although since it was a internet community, and every interaction was digital, you had to interpret everything that was written. It would have been easy to understand if the participants only wrote simple sentences and normal dots. Unfortunately or… Continue reading It adds flavor to a boring life

Only those who are responsible would choose a good solution

In Islam intercourse is allowed only within the folds of marriage. Almost 50% of marriages end in divorce. Not everyone who gets divorced will marry again. The reasons are many. Maybe there are to few people who match their wants, or maybe their family situation is to difficult. How is such a person able to… Continue reading Only those who are responsible would choose a good solution

For 5 minutes of pleasure between a male and a female

For 5 minutes of pleasure a male and a female create a human who will live 80 - 90 years (giennomsnittsalder). Who has to live a life maybe without one parent. Probably in poor condition. This disagreement could also happen to married couples. Where the mother says she is using the pill. The father doesn't… Continue reading For 5 minutes of pleasure between a male and a female

It Wipes Out Everything Before

The beauty of Islam, is the vastness of the Mercy our Lord has for us. When we sincerely repent, make tawbah, our past sins are erased from our record, we become as pure as a child. The sign of us avoiding sinfulness again, is a sign of Allah accepting our repentence. Allah knows we are… Continue reading It Wipes Out Everything Before

Et Godt Hjerte

Nestekjærlighet finnes i alle religioner. Være en flott borger, nabo, venn, kollega, medmenneske, familie. Å praktisere medmenneskelighet går på tvers av kultur, religion, kjønn, etniske bakgrunn. Når man viser godhet/omtanke om andre via medmenneskelighet så betyr det som oftest ikke at en er forelsket i det menneske. Det betyr kun at du ønsker at det… Continue reading Et Godt Hjerte

Tenk Ikke Bare På Kroppen Og Psyken, Men Også På Sjelen Og Hjertet

Homofili er satt på dagsordenen. Noen muslimer er imot, andre er mer åpne for at enhver må ha rett til å praktisere det de selv ønsker. Mange ikke-muslimer stiller seg uforstående til hvorfor koranen sier at homofili skal straffes med dødsstraff. Uten at jeg selv vil gå ut og drepe en som praktiserer homofili, forstår… Continue reading Tenk Ikke Bare På Kroppen Og Psyken, Men Også På Sjelen Og Hjertet