Garlic and onions again?

We often speak about parents wanting the best for their children. But is this really the truth? Several times have we heard about incidents where parents forcefully marry their children without their consent. But according to islamic law, marriage is not valid without consent. We have also had incidents in norway where parents make food… Continue reading Garlic and onions again?

Preferential treatment of sons in asian families

There is ignorance that is left in the ummah. That is to think that without a son, their name will not be inherited in the next generation. So they are eager to have sons, rather than daughters. And this is also a reason why many parents give preference to their sons over their daughters. This… Continue reading Preferential treatment of sons in asian families

A manner of being safe

Some people maybe wondering why there is an increase of women accepting Islam. Most women in Norway move out of their parents home at eighteen. They have to take a loan, a job and and education. They are on their own having to give all their body to numerous men, before one of them agrees… Continue reading A manner of being safe

Yes, The Struggle Is Real 

Jihad is equal to struggle. To struggle in the way of Allah. Struggle to be good with your inner self. Struggle to do righteous deeds. Struggle to be good to family, friends and kin. Struggle to remember Allah. Struggle to obey Allah. Struggle to speak good. Struggle to protect ourselves from bad matters (lying, backbiting,… Continue reading Yes, The Struggle Is Real 

Honesty And Commitment 

If you had a store. A customer bought some merchandise for 200. And made a deal after payment, that it would be collected after two weeks.  The same day another customer comes, and sees the good you just sold, and asks for it. He says he will give you 1000 for it.  You start thinking.… Continue reading Honesty And Commitment