What You Really Should Be Competing About?

If you want to compete, compete about those things that matters. Not only in your life but also in your Hereafter. Ready, set, go!

starting line, race, competition

  1. Instead of competing about things in dunya, compete about ranks in the Hereafter.
  2. Instead of making apparent others faults, conceal them, so that Allah will conceal your faults on Judgement Day, when it matters the most.
  3. Instead of beautifying your looks, improve your character, because in the end, your looks  won`t do you any good if your character isn`t well.
  4. Instead of competing about having a lot of kids, compete in teaching them good values, so that they become good people and great contributors to the society.
  5. Instead of competing about having the biggest salary, compete about having sakina in your life.
  6. Instead of bragging about how many friends you have, compete for the friends that matters, those that will join you in Jannah and help you gain it.
  7. Instead of making a show of your good deeds, make sure you have become a better person than what you were yesterday, or just the other minute.
  8. Instead of bringing others down because of envy/jealousy, try to make see the beautiful things in your own life, because we all have good things in our life.
  9. Instead of competing about having the biggest house or a brand new car, compete about attaining a house in Jannah that is close to Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
  10. Instead of competing about buying the most expensive gifts, compete about giving those things that gives the greatest impact on others life, things money can`t buy, like good values, time, knowledge that will benefit, support in bad times and righteous company.
  11. Instead of bragging about your good deeds, be afraid of the fact whether they are accepted or not, may Allah give us barakah in our lives.
  12. Instead of pointing fingers and questioning others` intention, think good thoughts about your brothers and sisters in Islam. Let your life be an inspiration, and leave the judging to Allah.
  13. When racing about doing the most ibaadah, remember that you also have a responsibility to your family, friends, relatives. In order to please Allah, make sure you don`t neglect them. We will be questioned about that also.
May Allah accept our good deeds, forgive us our faults, give us barakah in our life and join us with the righteous in this life and the Hereafter. Ameen summa ameen.


race, finish line, win, athletics

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