Muslim Women Are Being Harassed By Non-Muslims

harassmentBefore I only HEARD that muslim women have experienced harassment from other non-muslims just because they believe in one God. Today I almost experienced it myself. It`s really sad that people tend to these ways just because they have a hatred towards muslim women who cover themselves.

Our Prophet has also for over 1400 years warned us against this fact. That we should wear clothes that we are not recognized so that other non-muslims won`t be able to harass us. Living in a non-muslim country where it`s not allowed to use niqab certain places it`s not that easy to not be recognized as muslims.

Maybe some non-muslims has this jealousy or hatred inside of them that they just can`t tolerate other people being practising muslims. No wonder why they try to make debates in the media with non-practising muslims to try to put Islam in a bad light.

I guess hatred can bring out the worst in people. A few months ago but it proves a point. Watch this.

When we explain something to a God-fearing person we know for certain that it will have an effect. But how can we make the non-muslims understand how important hijab is when they don`t even believe in the afterlife and it`s punishments?

“For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than to touch a woman who is not permissible to him.” [At-Tabarani – Sahih]

Of course one can say that the same thing is happening in Egypt where the majority are muslims. But there still is not an excuse because of the religion it is because of the bad culture that has arisen there. So if such a bad culture is arising in this country we need to do something to prevent this from happening before it hurts more muslimah`s.

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