Muslims Tops Charts Of Giving In Ramadan

Ramadan is a month I’m sure muslims top the boards on giving charity because of the zakat, which is about 2,5 % of our rizk, we have had for at least one year.

Every obligatory action we do this month (ramadan) will be rewarded 70 times more because of the special time of the year. That is why many people postpone giving their zakat this month.

It is extremely important to emphasize the significance of our duty, to make sure that the money we send through different organisations or people, reach who they are sent to. If we neglect our responsability, we can risk our zakat / charity, not being accepted. And worst, people who are eligible of it, not getting the help they are entitled to.

Corruption cases are increasing. We have to make sure that our help actually helps when we help.

May Allah accept our charity, ibaadah and all our efforts this month. Aameen.

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