Hva er første prioritet ?

Vi som er født i en muslimsk familie og vokst opp som en muslim er ikke nødvendigvis en bedre muslim enn en konvertitt som nettopp har konvertert. Ofte så ser man at individer som er født opp oppvokst i en muslimsk familie ikke bruker hijab, går med trange klær, ber ikke og går ikke i… Continue reading Hva er første prioritet ?

Every setback in your life, could have been a blessing in disguise :)

Sometimes when something happens in our life that makes us cry or disappointed, we think that nothing can make that better in any way. We might think that what happened can`t be cured in any way. Well I have learned one thing in these past years. Looking back in time, I guess if everything that… Continue reading Every setback in your life, could have been a blessing in disguise 🙂

What is patience?

There are several types of Sabr (patience), one for avoiding the prohibitions and sins, one for acts of worship and obedience. The second type carries more rewards than the first type. There is a third type of patience in the face of afflictions and hardships, which is mandatory, like repentance. Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam… Continue reading What is patience?

How can our prayers be accepted by Allah :)

There are so many times we pray for something, though it is not always accepted by Allah. It is mentioned in a Hadith that after our death when our deeds will be weighted, our prayers/duas will be weighed also. The duas/prayers that wasn`t answered in our life will give us plenty of heavy good deeds. Allah… Continue reading How can our prayers be accepted by Allah 🙂

Going to the mosque :)

Before I went more frequently to the Mosque than what I do nowadays. There are a few reasons for that. For the first I think that it`s the Masjid`s people responsibility to take care of the new people who come and encourage them to come on different days they celebrate. Though what I`ve experiences is… Continue reading Going to the mosque 🙂