And Honey.. Take Your Time..

Men are the protectors and maintainers of the family. When they have the right universal values, so will their offspring too. I guess most of the parents that came to the West were more busy with earning money than Islam. Ma Sha Allah, now we see a lot of their children have become very religious,… Continue reading And Honey.. Take Your Time..

The Virtues Of Prayer At Tahajjud Time :)

Allah has given us so many opportunities to ask of Him, and we don`t even utilize them. Just think where it could lead us if we knew of every such opportunity? Each and every want their supplications to be answered, but when is the most auspicious time to make dua? It happens every night at… Continue reading The Virtues Of Prayer At Tahajjud Time 🙂

Good Deeds Done Persistently :)

Once in a while I think in the direction that what makes a person mature? Some people matures before others? Is it correct to say that those who take more time in maturing have a better character than those that suddenly change their behaviour? I`m thinking about behaviour. Sometimes we see people who suddenly change… Continue reading Good Deeds Done Persistently 🙂

The Eternal Abode Heaven :)

Laughter and joy and lots of light, that`s how our eternal life will be like. A place where there won`t be any sorrow, not any grey day, blue day or horror. We will be safe and sound with all our loved ones, reading salah and praying for each other. Our home would be like a… Continue reading The Eternal Abode Heaven 🙂

How to increase your khusho (concentration) in salah :)

For years I was reading salah without khusho. I didn`t know that for the salah to be accepted by Allah khusho is important. Now I know and alhamdolillah am getting better at it. Here I will share a few tips on how I improve my Khusho in salah. Soften your heart with repentence Throughout the… Continue reading How to increase your khusho (concentration) in salah 🙂

Do you read fajr on time?

A hadis sharif says that the things that brings you closer to Allah is: obeying your parents, to read the prayer on time, and jihad. Therefore it is important to try to pray every prayer at its appointed time. Though in the summer time the fajr prayer is very difficult to pray because there are… Continue reading Do you read fajr on time?