Respect Is Important

The upbringing of girls and boys cannot be alike. I still see a lot of mistakes parents are guilty of, in raising their children. One of the most noticable one is teaching them respect. Even though times have changed but the mindset that is taught to boys hasn`t changed. The majority of boys and even… Continue reading Respect Is Important

Giving Naseeha/Advice

You never know how your positive encouragement can help people. Just because one of the youths you know are misbehaving in any way, it does not imply that they will always be like that. It is our responsibility to look for the good in others and encourage them to improve themselves. Just because a person… Continue reading Giving Naseeha/Advice

Don`t Let The World Degrade You :)

Note To Myself And The Women Of The World: Don`t let the world degrade you to an object to please strangers eyes. You are worthy of being the slave of Allah. Which is the highest status any woman can have. Don`t dress to impress men that would degrade you to a thing. Rather dress for… Continue reading Don`t Let The World Degrade You 🙂

Boys And Men Please Respect The Women In Your Life :)

Every boy is taught by his parents and especially the males in his life, how to treat women. If those role-models have poor character, than that would rub on of the boys/kids. This is mostly the parents fault as they are not teaching the right values to their children. It would not be far from… Continue reading Boys And Men Please Respect The Women In Your Life 🙂

Koranlærere fortjener den respekten de får!

Du tar opp en sak om koranlærere uten å vite verken fra A til Å hva du snakker om, Amal Aden. Koranlærerne er lærere som har masse kunnskap om koranen. De har flyttet til Norge og lærer barna om vår religion ved at de selv har et ben i hver kultur. De utvisker misforståelsene vi… Continue reading Koranlærere fortjener den respekten de får!

Trust and respect goes hand in hand..

I believe respect is about treating the other person nicely without having any reason behind you being nice to them 🙂 You don`t want anything in return. Sometimes one do meet people in your surroundings that do have hidden agendas. I have a difficult time trusting these kinds of people. Trust and respect goes hand… Continue reading Trust and respect goes hand in hand..