Lies Can`t Change The Truth

Even if you keep on telling a lie a hundred times, it will still remain a lie. If the truth is left unsaid, it will still remain as the truth. People lie so much nowadays that it is seen as something normal, which you have to do in your everyday life, if you wish to… Continue reading Lies Can`t Change The Truth

Double Standards Of The Muslim Community Regarding Marriage

A double standard of the muslim community I wanted to talk about in this post is about marriage. This is something each and every will go through in their life, and there are several things about this topic that makes one think whether our conduct in this regards is correct or not. Since parents are… Continue reading Double Standards Of The Muslim Community Regarding Marriage

Some Thoughts About Issues In Marriages

"Life-partners should have a faithfulness towards each other that no one can challenge. Whether male or female, or a member of the family, or a person at the work, or at the mosque. In the world outside people will say and do all sorts of things of all sorts of motives; often they try to… Continue reading Some Thoughts About Issues In Marriages

It`s Between Me And Allah :)

We need reminders like we need air to breath. Sometimes what takes us years to build, someone else in a minute destroys everything. Often because they are jealous. A shaykh once said that even if it takes you years to build something and someone destroys it a matter of second, build anyway. Because in the… Continue reading It`s Between Me And Allah 🙂