Treat Them Equally

Having children is a great blessing for parents. To pass on the legacy of Islam to another generation that will live Islam. Often both parents prefer sons over daughters. Mainly because they think that they will be the most supportive because they become providers too. They have forgotten that Prophet Muhammad pbuh`s legacy was passed on… Continue reading Treat Them Equally

Khadijah raa`s Merit

The first wife of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Khadijah raa supported him through difficult times in every possible way, including spending from her wealth. He pbuh is known to have acknowledged and praised Khadijah raa`s support repeatedly. Aisha raa reported that she was so irritated by Muhammad pbuh`s continuous praise of Khadijah raa, so she complained,… Continue reading Khadijah raa`s Merit

Something To Talk About

Can you imagine that sometimes when you speak with your friends, you`re giving away your good deeds to those you don`t like. If that wasn`t enough you are also receiving their bad deeds in your account. The worst deal we can ever make is to backbite others, and that is what this comes from.  … Continue reading Something To Talk About

Would You Dare To Stand Out In A Crowd

We are all priceless people and our individuality must be nourished. Instead of trying to fit in, we should help and encourage children to dare to stand out in a crowd, from a young age. Dare to go against the crowd. Just because some norms have become ordinary doesn`t mean we can`t evaluate, adjust and… Continue reading Would You Dare To Stand Out In A Crowd

Brotherhood In Islam

There is a lot of malice and hatred between muslims of different madhabs. A lot of people in social media use more time in explaining why some brother from another madhabs is wrong in something instead of giving isla or dawa in general stuff people lack. Instead of strengthening the bond of brotherhood in Islam,… Continue reading Brotherhood In Islam

What You Really Should Be Competing About?

If you want to compete, compete about those things that matters. Not only in your life but also in your Hereafter. Ready, set, go! Instead of competing about things in dunya, compete about ranks in the Hereafter. Instead of making apparent others faults, conceal them, so that Allah will conceal your faults on Judgement Day,… Continue reading What You Really Should Be Competing About?