I`m just a girl.. Don`t mind me..

I`m the youngest one of my siblings, where i have mostly brothers. As being a girl and the youngest one is not the best combination always. Don`t take me wrong. Although it`s great to have brothers and everything they might be a bit overprotective about what`s happening in your life, and wants to protect you… Continue reading I`m just a girl.. Don`t mind me..

Learning from others`experience

I`ve thought about this several times that one actually always learn best from one`s own experience rather than someone else`s experience. I believe that that is the best source of learning. Well oki let me elaborate what I mean 🙂 I think it`s very important to listen to our elders be it a parent or… Continue reading Learning from others`experience

“Kids nowadays” just like my Mum used to say..

I`ve heard a saying that goes something like if you want to hear the truth ask the kids because you`ll get a lot of it from them ..without censor.. There`s something about this that catches my mind. Everything just gets out of their mouth without them thinking it through. This has led me to the… Continue reading “Kids nowadays” just like my Mum used to say..