Compatibility Is Everything

If age is no guarantee for maturity, why does people give it so much presedence, when choosing a spouse. Compatibility is everything. How can any parent choose a non-practising spouse for their practising son/daughter. This is oppression. May Allah make it easy for all un-married people to find a spouse who is compatible with them… Continue reading Compatibility Is Everything

Express and Understand Love

Although both husbands and wife should learn to express their love so they both feel loved, there is also another quality that can strenghten their bond - being more understanding.  Both spouses express and feel loved differently based on their gender differences. To help each other and themselves, spouses should programme their mind in understanding… Continue reading Express and Understand Love

Preserving Image Has Become More Important Than Following Islam

It is good to see that the community has seen the value of educating people before they get married to make sure that they are familiar to their responsibilities and their rights. Alhamdolillah. That is a great start. I feel that we need dig a bit deeper into the issue of marriage. To get a… Continue reading Preserving Image Has Become More Important Than Following Islam

When Seeking Advice

Often in life we come to a road that leads to two different places. We don`t know which one to choose. The decision is tough and we are not always familiar with all the pros and cons. That is when we seek advice from people whom has more wisdom and knowledge than us. Someone whom… Continue reading When Seeking Advice

Khadijah raa`s Merit

The first wife of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Khadijah raa supported him through difficult times in every possible way, including spending from her wealth. He pbuh is known to have acknowledged and praised Khadijah raa`s support repeatedly. Aisha raa reported that she was so irritated by Muhammad pbuh`s continuous praise of Khadijah raa, so she complained,… Continue reading Khadijah raa`s Merit

The Bond Of Marriage

Marriage is a serious bond between a husband and a wife, and one should be ready for it before we commit ourselves to it. Often we see that people who come to a certain age want to get married. Most often they haven`t thought well enough about the reasons behind their decision. Marriage is not… Continue reading The Bond Of Marriage