I Have To Ears, The World Is Mine :)

There is two sides of everything. Sometimes something can be a blessing other times it could be the very opposite. Sometimes when one see other people`s blessings one forget what we ourselves are blessed with and get a bad energy out from us. It could perhaps be because we have never tried to count our… Continue reading I Have To Ears, The World Is Mine 🙂

The Greatest Blessing Given To Our Ummah :)

Our Prophet (pbuh) is the greatest blessing we have ever had. He is a mercy to all mankind. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had the most magnificent character any being can or will ever have till the end of time. When we read or hear story`s about his seerah (biography) I just fall down in humbleness for… Continue reading The Greatest Blessing Given To Our Ummah 🙂

Try not to count others`blessings, count you own :)

Every human being is blessed in some way or the other. Some people are though more blessed than others. We human beings have this fault in us that it is easier for us to count other people`s blessings rather than our own. We have a nice car, a beautiful house, a giving job, yet still… Continue reading Try not to count others`blessings, count you own 🙂

What Gheera Is, And How It Protects Us :)

I found an article about it on the internet, which I would like to share. Have Muslims lost their Sense of Gheera? We live in societies in which most men and women have lost their sense of modesty, women are obsessed with their appearances and wear clothes to be seen by others and to attract… Continue reading What Gheera Is, And How It Protects Us 🙂

A proposal

When someone turns down a proposal the other party often take this as an insult. Their way of handling that insult is to make that person look bad in other people`s eyes somehow. Just because they wasn`t selected themselves they want to hurt the others by spreading rumours about the other persons reputation. This happens… Continue reading A proposal

There`s two sides of everything

There always comes times when we are more thankful, and other times when we are less thankful. Sometimes the reason behind could be that we aren`t really aware of the blessings we are surrounded with. How can one become more aware and become grateful for that? One simple formula that each and every can apply… Continue reading There`s two sides of everything