Don`t just pray when you are feeling thankful :)

It is very common these days that people doesn`t pray the salat. Even though it is farz on every Muslim/Muslimah. It is so important that we pray to our Allah and tell Him how thankful we are for everything He has blessed us with. Because it is a lot. We wouldn`t be able to see,… Continue reading Don`t just pray when you are feeling thankful 🙂

When you pray five times a day :)

I don`t know a lot, but there are a few people whom take praying five times daily, very seriously. Why shouldn`t they, when it is one of the foundation of Islam. When one tries to pray regularly one becomes more spiritual and more close to Allah Subhanawuatalah. So it`s a great thing. Though if the… Continue reading When you pray five times a day 🙂

To be steadfast in prayers..

Praying five times a day is one of the five pillars which is Islams foundation. I remember when I was younger and I used to pray with my Dad a lot. When we were praying I always prayed a lot faster than what he did. Gradually as I grew older I began to realize the… Continue reading To be steadfast in prayers..