It Wipes Out Everything Before

The beauty of Islam, is the vastness of the Mercy our Lord has for us. When we sincerely repent, make tawbah, our past sins are erased from our record, we become as pure as a child. The sign of us avoiding sinfulness again, is a sign of Allah accepting our repentence. Allah knows we are… Continue reading It Wipes Out Everything Before

I Want A Spiritual Alive Heart

Everyone wants to protect the people they care for. No matter what religion, color, ethnicity you have. You try your best to help, protect, provide for the people you love. If their air is polluted in your city, and your child has allergies or asthma, you will do everything you can to move to a… Continue reading I Want A Spiritual Alive Heart

The Young Man Who Died Of Fear

A summary of a lengthy story that was narrated from Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: A young man of the Ansaar who was called Tha‘labah ibn ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan became Muslim, and he used to serve the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). He sent him on… Continue reading The Young Man Who Died Of Fear

Supporting Employee

At work, if we follow the guidelines the manager makes. Do a good job, and support our colleagues, most people will get a raise (wages) and position. The same similtude can be drawn for a believer and Allah. When a believer follows islams guidelines. And prevents oneself from prohibitions, the believers ranks are raised, rewards… Continue reading Supporting Employee

Friends That Day.. 

Imagine if you are an organisation your company is listed on the stockmarket of Allah. Your price of every share is the value of each deed. The only one who will buy share in your company is those who see any kind of profit. If you are a good righteous muslims, people who cherish those… Continue reading Friends That Day..