We Can`t Save Others Before We Save Ourself

The people we interact with influence us according to their values. Even if they aren`t our closest friends, their values can rub off on us. Some people say we become like the 5 people we spend the most time with. Be it at home, work, university etc. We can`t choose the people who are in… Continue reading We Can`t Save Others Before We Save Ourself

If Every Generation Had To Invent Cars

The good and bad qualities that are in the generation of parents doesn`t automatically pass on to the next generation. It depends on the way we nurture good behaviour in our children, that matters. Sometimes we fail sometimes we succeed, Allah`s help is necessary.   Age is no obstacle Just because we didn`t get a… Continue reading If Every Generation Had To Invent Cars

Would You Dare To Stand Out In A Crowd

We are all priceless people and our individuality must be nourished. Instead of trying to fit in, we should help and encourage children to dare to stand out in a crowd, from a young age. Dare to go against the crowd. Just because some norms have become ordinary doesn`t mean we can`t evaluate, adjust and… Continue reading Would You Dare To Stand Out In A Crowd

What makes you the person you are?

Often we see that the media accuses Islam and muslims every time they find that a muslim has done a criminal act. Is Islam the only one to be blamed? What makes a person behave in a certain manner? Is it only their religious beliefs or are their other factors that makes a person like… Continue reading What makes you the person you are?

Good Deeds Done Persistently :)

Once in a while I think in the direction that what makes a person mature? Some people matures before others? Is it correct to say that those who take more time in maturing have a better character than those that suddenly change their behaviour? I`m thinking about behaviour. Sometimes we see people who suddenly change… Continue reading Good Deeds Done Persistently 🙂